Has it Spread or is it Dead...

No pictures, and just a super short entry. Tomorrow (Tuesday, December 10) I go for my quarterly CT scan and doctor’s appointment. The news will either be that the cancer is still here, or that all of the tumors are gone. The scans will show that it has either spread, or that it is dead.

I am so grateful for the prayers of many who have pestered God on my behalf. I am asking that you pray today and tomorrow with renewed earnestness. Here is how I am asking you to pray:

  • Pray for good scans. A good scan is a clear and accurate scan that is read well. I want the doctors to know the truth. If there is cancer, I want them to find it. If there is no cancer, I want them to see clearly that there is “No Evidence of Disease”.

  • Pray for God to destroy every tumor and every cancerous cell in my body. If there is anything left today, please ask Him to complete that good work of healing in my body.

  • Pray for peace and clarity for me and for my wife, Victoria. While I want to be healed, and I feel well, I am aware that healing is not always a “linear process”, and there could be lingering tumors or even new ones. I hope not. I don’t think there will be. But if there is, pray that I will respond with genuine trust in God’s unalterable goodness.

My scans and appointment are late tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know what we find out as soon as I can. It may be Wednesday or Thursday. BUT PLEASE PRAY.

Thank you so much!

In Christ’s love,
